Pro Shop

The Northway Lanes Pro Shop

Carrying the largest selection of in-stock bowling

balls, bags, shoes, & accessories in the area!

Spring hours:  Weekdays Open 8am – 10pm

Saturdays 11am- Midnight   Sundays 11am – Midnight  

We do the bowling ball fitting & drilling on site

Ted Boltz, Powerhouse certified driller and Bronze certified bowling instructor

Cody Jacobs, Powerhouse certified driller

We also do plugging and re-drills, re-surfacing/sanding

Same day service available by calling ahead (231)767-BOWL

    We also carry pool cues, cases, and  billiard supplies

6 comments on “Pro Shop
  1. Brian J Bush says:

    I’d be interested in getting fitted for a bowling ball. What is the process?

    • says:

      Hey Brian, sorry for the delay in response. Generally if you come in there is someone who can fit you. We would pick out and purchase the ball, be fit, then drilled withing a few days. If you’re bringing in your own ball, we drill from 8-4 on Mon., Tues., Wed., and Friday. We can make arrangements to set up an appointment if necessary. Thanks for your inquiry

  2. Jordan says:

    I was wondering how much it would be to get your finger holes drilled and grips

  3. Sandy Stoneburner says:

    Do you do pool cue repair?

  4. Tianna says:

    The pro shop guys are so great, patient, and friendly. After we had our kids bowling balls drilled, I decided to do mine and buy all our accessories (shoes, rosin bags, and bowling towels) there without looking elsewhere. Happy to support them and be a consistent Northway customer.

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